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April is Stress Awareness Month

Z. Garnett

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, chances are you may be experiencing some level of stress in any given area of your life. Stress can be described as the body’s natural physical, mental, or emotional response to a difficult situation. When you think of what causes stress, it’s not uncommon to think of finances, parenting, or relationship issues, however, we all face some sorts of stresses on a daily basis. For example, you may feel stress while sitting in traffic on your commute from work or while trying to meet an important deadline on the job. This Stress Awareness Month, we have compiled some tips for managing stress.

1. Exercise

Exercise is a proven way to help boost your mood by “blowing off steam,” as the saying goes. It helps to improve not only your physical but mental health. The next time you feel stressed, try working out for a few minutes and see the difference in how you feel.

2. Talk to Someone

Keeping all of your stresses bottled in is not healthy for the body. If you’re feeling stressed, talk to a trusted friend that will allow you the opportunity to vent while keeping your conversation confidential.

3. Journal

If you don’t have someone who you feel you can trust in your time of need, journaling may be an alternative. It will allow you the chance to release all of those negative emotions and remain private at the same time.

4. Pray/Engage with a Faith-Based Group

When life’s stresses become too much to bear, many people rely on their faith to get them through. Praying and interacting with a faith organization allows you to know that you’re not alone and that someone is there to help you through.

5. Seek professional help

If things seem to be out of control, it may be helpful to consult a professional in the form of a therapist, life coach, or financial advisor, depending on your specific situation.

What are some ways in which you combat stress? Leave a comment!

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